Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

penulisanku festival bunga sakura di jepang (sofskill bahasa inggris)

                                   FESTIVAL O-HANAMI
O-Hanami atau festival bunga sakura bagi orang Jepang merupakan eventyang sangat dinanti. Festival ini dirayakan setiap akhir bulan Maret dan awal bulan April. Keindahan bunga sakura yang bermekaran merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi orang Jepang. Bahkan mereka menganggap bunga sakura adalah bagian jiwa mereka. Karena itu, mekarnya bunga sakura menjadi moment yang paling spesial. O-hanami juga dipakai sebagai tanda datangnya musim semi serta dimulainya tahun ajaran baru. Para remaja wanita tidak ketinggalan menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk mengeluarkan kimono-kimono baru mereka dan menggunakannya sepanjang perayaan.
Sejarah O-hanami
Merayakan musim bunga sakura memang sudah dimulai sejak Periode Nara (710-784) yang sebenarnya datang karena pengaruh Dinasti Tang dari Cina. AWalnya mereka lebih mengagum bunga Ume. Tapi saat periode Heian, sakura mulai menarik perhatian orang Jepang. Mulai dari situ O-hanami menjadi festival yang rutin dirayakan setiap tahun.
Mekarnya bunga sakura juga dijadikan sebagai ritual keagamaan & digunakan sebagai tanda dari akhir tahun serta dimulainya musim bercocok tanam. Karena itu, banyak orang-orang Jepang yang berdoa di kuil atau berdoa di bawah pohon sakura.
Pada periode Heian, hanya kalangan bangsawan yang selalu merayakan O-hanami ini. Kebiasaan ini kemudian masuk ke kalangan samurai & akhirnya menyebar sampai kalangan rakyat dari berbagai golongan pada periode Edo.
Perayaan O-hanami sedikit demi sedikit mulai berubah tujuannya. Dari merayakannya untuk ritual agama, menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup para samurai & kemudian menjadi alat untuk memperkuat kekuasaan. Sedangkan di jaman modern ini, O-hanami lebih kepada acara pribadi &merupakan kesempatan untuk berkumpul & bersenang-senang.
O-hanami di Masa Sekarang
Di masa sekarang, umumnya beribu-ribu oarang berkumpul secara berkelompok untuk berpiknik dengan membawa makanan yang spesial dan minuman sake. Perayaan O-hanami sudah dimulai sejak siang hari & kadang-kadang terus berlanjut sampai malam hari.
Sakura memang selalu mengundang decak kagum. Saat bermekaran pohon ini didominasikan dengan warna-warna putih & merah jambu. Sedikitpun tidak ada warna hijau. Sayangnya bunga-bunga sakura yang bermekaran tidak bisa bertahan lama. Bunga sakura hanya bertahan selam 7 sampai 10 hari. Setelah itu bunga sakura mulai berguguran & berganti menjadi warna kehijauan.
Tempat yang populer dikunjungi untuk merayakan O-hanami adalah taman-taman & pusat rekreasi, salah satunya Taman Ueno. Sealain merayakannya dengan berpiknik, berbagai acara besar pun digelar dengan bertemakan sakura, seperti konser musik & tari-tarian.
Setelah masa mekarnya habis, bunga sakura mulai berguguran. Ribuan helai bunga sakura yang berguguran terlihat seperti salju yang menutupi permukaan tanah. Angin musm semi yang sering menerbangkan helaian bunga sakura ini semaki menambah indah pemandangan. Orang Jepang menyebutnya sebagai hanafubuki (badai salju sakura).
sumber ; http://www.ro-ro.fbjs.facebook.com/JAPAN.FOR.ALL/posts/304044692988280



A.    Direct speech
When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it is called direct speech.
Shows a person’s exact words. Quotation marks (“. . .”) are a sign that the words are the same words that a person used.
For example:    Ravi said, “ I am playing Cricket.”
                         Sally said, “I want to go to bed.”

B.     Indirect speech/Reported speech
When the main idea of a speaker’s words is reported by another person and the exact words are not quoted, it is called indirect speech or reported speech.
Puts the speaker’s words or ideas into a sentence without quotation marks.  Noun clauses are usually used.
For example:   Ravi said that he was playing.
                         Sally said (that) she wanted to go to bed.

a.      Declarative (Statement) àthe sentence use  “that”
For Example : 
D  :  He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
I   :  He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
D  :  Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
I   :  Bob said that he was a university student.

b.        Imperative (Command/request) à
In reporting commands and requests, the indirect speech is introduced by some verb expressing commands and requests, and the Imperative Mood is changed into Infinitive Mood.

D :  He told me, “wait for me !”
I   :  He told me to wait for him.
D :  She told me, “don’t cheat anymore !”
I   :  She told me not to cheat anymore.
D : Raja said to John, “Go away.”
I  : Raja ordered John to go away.
D : He said to Mary, “Please wait here till I return.”
I  : he requested Mary to wait there till he returned.

c.       Interrogative (question )
When reporting a question, an order or a request, the connector ‘that’ is not used.       

For Example :

D : Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
I  : Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
D : The Visitor said to me, "Is your father at home?"
I  : The visitor asked me if my father was at home.
D : I asked him : “When did you get back from your trip ?”
I   : I asked him when he had got back from his trip.
D :  He asked me : “How will you go there ?”
I   :  He asked me how I would go there.
D : The girl said, ‘May I come in?’
I  : The girl asked if she could come in.

While converting direct speech into indirect speech, the tense of the verb must change accordingly:

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Present simple
She said, “It’s a good day.”
Past simple
She said (that) it was a good day.
Present continuous
She said, “I am playing the piano.”
Past continuous
She said (that) she was playing the piano.
Present perfect simple
She said, “I have lived in Macau since 2000.”
Past perfect simple
She said (that) she had lived in Macau since 2000.
Present perfect continuous
She said, “I have been learning Spanish for six months.”
Past perfect continuous
She said (that) she had been learning Spanish for six months.
Past simple
She said, “I went Macau two days ago.”
Past perfect
She said (that) she had gone to Macau two days ago.
Past continuous
She said, “I was dancing.”
Past perfect continuous
She said (that) she had been dancing.
Past perfect
She said, “I had finished my homework when he arrived.”
Past perfect
She said (that) she had finished her homework when he arrived.
Past perfect continuous
She said, “I had been dancing for five
Past perfect continuous
She said (that) she had been dancing for

If the reported speech express a universal truth or habitual fact, its tense remain unchanged:

D : The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”
I : The teacher said that the earth goes/went round the sun. She said,
D :“Girls are usually more sincere than boys”
I :She said that girls are usually more sincere than boys.
3.      MODAL CHANGE: Modal verbs may also change.

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
She said, “I will go to Macau.”
She said (that) she would go to Macau.
She said, “I can go to Macau.”
She said (that) she could go to Macau.
She said, “I shall go to Macau.”
She said (that) she should go to Macau.
She said, “I may go to Macau.”
She said (that) she might go to Macau.
She said, “I must go to Macau.”
had to
She said (that) she had to go to Macau